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Global 4 Way Super Plus Combiner SPC4

This product is currently unavailable
Independently control 4 Sky set-top boxes - Can be installed on to an existing
tvLINK distribution system
Easily combine the RF2 Output of upto 4 sky boxes and distribute them throughout a coaxial TV Aerial system using only 1 cable! It is now possible to locate all your Sky set-top boxes in one place and independently control them from other locations within the home. The new SPC4F (Super Plus Combiner 4way complete with F connectors) allows the RF output of up to four Sky set-top boxes to be connected into a home distribution system, with independent control. The four Sky set-top boxes can be any combination of, the standard Sky Digibox, Sky+, or Sky HD, or all the same type, if required. The user simply allocates the remote control in each room to one of the four set-top boxes connected. Thereafter, that remote control will operate only that set-top box allocated to it. The only constraint is that once a remote control has been programmed to operate with one of the set-top boxes, it will not operate any of the other set-top boxes within the system.
View and independently control 4 Sky set-top boxes
Can be installed on to an existing tvLINK distribution system.
Fully compatible with all tvLINK In-home distribution products. For more information or guidance on how to setup please see our dedicated setup and information guide for the Global SPC4 Super Plus Combiner... For more information or guidance on how to setup please see our dedicated setup and information guide for the Global SPC4 Super Plus Combiner