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QI-9160 - Fire & Acoustic Insulation Hood For QI65

Designed to cover the rear of in-ceiling and in-wall speakers, a fire and acoustic hood is a legal requirement for many new buildings. But whether legally required or not, we'd recommend them as a safety precaution. Using a fire and acoustic hood helps resist the spread of fire through the floors of a building and to reduce the transmission of noise to adjacent rooms and properties. It's a requirement for all speakers that are installed below any habitable rooms and escape routes
•Woven Glass Fabric: Thickness - 0.40mm, Weight/m² - 430 g/m²
•Warp count: 1360 d’tex
•Finish: Starch weave lock
Sponge properties
•Physical form/appearance: Solid, voluminous material, more or less elastic.
•Specific gravity: 10-600 kg/m³
•Solubility in water: Insoluble
•Odour: None or mild odour
•Flash ignition point: Between 315ºc to 370ºc
•Decomposition temperature: Above 180ºc
•Thermal energy: 28 000 KJ/kg
•Stability and reactivity: The product is stable at temperatures between -40c and +12ºc
•Auto-ignition point: Between 370ºc to 427ºc (ASTM D 1929)
Test details
Complies with Part B and Part E UK building regulations
•Integrity Insulation
•Trada FR 1739 240 mins 46 mins
•BTC 10891F 88 mins N/A
Qi 65CF - Dia. 290mm, Depth 100mm