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Fracarro 5 x 8 dSCR UK Multiswitch

Wideband cascadable dSCR multiswitch with 4 SAT inputs, 1 active TV input and 8 outputs
The outputs can supply dSCR receivers (with 16 user-bands per output) or traditional Legacy decoders. Active TV path with adjustable gain is offered from the TV input to the tap outputs.
High satellite output level enables long-cable distribution.The output level is stabilised by an Automatic Gain Control (AGC) feature which compensates for input level variations. Separate level adjustment for each output is also available.
Key Features
- Adjustable output level
- Flexible power supply options
- Low insertion loss
- High output level
- Legacy compatible
- Suitable for wideband or standard distributions
- Compatible with fiber distribution
- 8 outputs