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Blakes 14' ' Stack Strap Double Ratchet Bracket

14" Double Stack Strap Rachet Mitre Bracket
Length (Back) 343 mm
Length (Arms) 195 mm
Stand off 135 mm
- Ease of use and quick installation.
- The double ratchet versions, SS/BKT09 and SS/BKT14, offers the extra support required for larger installations.
- Strapping, SS/DISP100 is supplied in 100 m boxed rolls for convenient storage, and dispensing. Note that the box includes both installation instructions and a brick counter to reduce waste when dispensing.
- Breaking strain of ratchet is 900 kg.
-Strong PET strapping - breaking load exceeds 6 kN.
- Now available with a water resistant protection bag for a 100 m strap dispensing pack. NEW