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An Update on Cables and the Construction Product Regulation (CPR) 
As explained in our previous communication, the Construction Product Regulation (CPR) came into effect in 2017 to regulate cable and its reaction to fire. This includes coaxial cable, twisted pair CAT cable and fibre. 
The CPR makes it a legal requirement to only sell cable that carries the CPR performance levels (EuroClass Aca “Non-combustible” to Fca “No performance determined”) shown on the product labels. CPR does not stipulate the performance level required. 
In addition, in July 2018, the 18th Edition of the Wiring Regulations were released. The Wiring Regulations recommend (as guidance) to follow British Standard BS6701. While BS6701 states that all internal installation cables should be a minimum EuroClass Cca-s1b, d2, a2, this is not a legally binding requirement. 
CAI advises that the installer obtains the required EuroClass performance level from the consultant who produced the applicable specification document. In the absence of any guidance on the performance level, CAI recommends members use at least EuroClass Eca since this is the minimum cable fire rating that will have been tested by a notified body. 
CAI also suggests you insert a Standard clause in project quotations, when no EuroClass is defined, along the following lines: 
Cables on this project: 
In the interest of being competitive, and because the specification does not define a EuroClass, cables costed on this project are to EuroClass Eca and meet the legal requirements of the building regulations as defined by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and local Government, and comply with the construction product regulation. The UK wiring regulations 18th edition (BS7671) leave EuroClass selection open, as the MHCLG has not exercised powers in respect of reaction to fire for cables, and refer to BS7601 for guidance, which refers to EuroClass Cca-s1b, d2, a2 for most internal applications. Should a EuroClass higher than Eca be required on this project then please advise and a revised cost will be generated. 
The CPR guidelines are constantly developing and the CAI will keep members informed of any developments regarding CPR as a matter of urgency. 
In summary: 
It is a legal requirement to supply cable that has its EuroClass provided for all cable, even external to the building. The actual performance level required is currently not a legal requirement. 
Source: CAI E-Connect 11th September 2018 
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